Category: Citas

Mix Master Mike – El encanto de los errores

“Mistakes can become gems at times ’cause, you know, they kinda catch you off guard. Your thought process changes when you make a mistake, so you’re thinking about automatic recovery and going onto the next. Through mistakes, through improvisation, you learn to kinda go: “Ok, what’s next?”. –...

Siddiq – La nueva ola de Hip-Hop

“I feel like this is the first new wave of Hip-Hop that we’ve had in a while. You actually have Hip-Hop acts today that have fans that are just interested in their shit. Not that they’re not Hip-Hop fans, but you’re not going to sit down and talk...

Juan Villoro – La paradoja de un autor

“Sólo me releo por obligación, y el impacto es terrible. Un autor no puede estar satisfecho; siempre deseas cambiar algo. Lo único gratificante es cuando un texto mío me parece escrito por otro. Entonces cobra vida propia. Naturalmente, no me puedo sentir orgulloso de él porque parece hecho...

Jay Electronica – El ser auténtico

“Authenticity or to be authentic means not just being yourself, it actually [means] just the desire and the decision made to what to strive to be yourself; the process to learn who you are to be that. If it was that easy, we would all be being ourselves.”...